viernes, marzo 30, 2007

look in my eyes and you will find me,
but look in my heart and you will find YOU

And I said to you that don't break my heart
because you are INSIDE it

and it's amazing how someone can breack your heart

and you still love them with all the little PIECES

but a broken heart never really heals

and I want to dessapear... to go away far


but the hardest part about walking AWAY from you

is knowing you WON'T run after me


Blogger Radi said...

Dios ke bonito........ si lo e logrado a entender yo deberia entederlo cualkiera.......
Esta entrada me a encantado enserio :)
Reconozco la ultima frase... la tenias en un avatar si no me ekivoco nio?


3:49 p. m.

Anonymous Anónimo said...

wapaaa!!!!! m encanta sta entrada (...como todas jeje) stan genial las frases y todas sn verdad ;)
weno kari sigue en pie eso d independizarse juntas nio?? jiji enga amor besikooosss ^^ tkmmmmmmmm

5:02 a. m.


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